Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to Cast and Project - Introduction

The word “project” seems innocent and self explanatory to some people. To others, however, although the word seems to make sense, when asked to actually do it, they come to a sudden stop.

In several exercises, I ask you to cast your fear, pain, etc., into a wine glass. Perhaps this is also something you’ve taken for granted until asked to do. “Casting” means “to throw”, but of course, you don’t actually throw a physical object. Casting is similar in some ways to projection, and therefore I believe the two should be studied together.

There are actually three skills involved here. Simple projection, which can be felt by those around you, spirit projection, sometimes called conscious projection or astral projection, in which the consciousness follows the projected energy to a distant spot, and casting, in which the projected energy is released with embedded instructions to perform some effect. Simple projection is easy to learn. The more difficult part of projection comes when asked to project to a distant place, or to cast. We’ll cover the simple part first, and the more complex parts will make more sense and be easier to accomplish.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Open Meeting Exercise and Time

The exercise is the whispering and shouting exercise for manifesting your presence and influencing a target. Please choose a target and preferably use their image and location. Make sure you know exactly how you wish to influence them, and what words you will use. Consider how they are most likely to be influenced to respond the way you want them to.
If you are working with a group, coordinate with them.

For more information, go here: Whispering and Shouting Exercise


Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Other Fall

The Other Fall of Man

The Fall of Man has been depicted in more than the Christian and Jewish mythologies. The Canaanite version of the fall of man is rather interesting, and parallels the versions found in Australia and the Americas. It does not involve a serpent, a woman, or anything that could be twisted into euphemisms for sex or the devil, but instead involves two brothers.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Female Shamanism

Origins of the Goddess cycle

The word “God” or “Goddess” can be traced back to a word that means “spirit”, as in the spirit that dwells in a burial mound, or “one who is invoked”. The word did not originally refer to a creator. Goddess worship originated in ancestor worship, which is an extension of communion with the dead.

The Goddess cycle is a very old way of responding to natural spirit phenomena. It is a form of female shamanism. Shamanic practices, which are sometimes more broadly labeled as a category of animistic spiritism, are practiced on every continent of the world. .

(More here.)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Solstice Activity

The Solstice meeting will be closed, and conducted on Haunted Mesa. DO NOT guide guests of any sort to the meeting. (No candidates, recruits, or new initiates that have not become full members. In other words, if they don’t know how to get there, they don’t belong. If they are advanced enough to find the place through spirit travel, they are advanced enough to join us.)


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