Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to Cast and Project - Introduction

The word “project” seems innocent and self explanatory to some people. To others, however, although the word seems to make sense, when asked to actually do it, they come to a sudden stop.

In several exercises, I ask you to cast your fear, pain, etc., into a wine glass. Perhaps this is also something you’ve taken for granted until asked to do. “Casting” means “to throw”, but of course, you don’t actually throw a physical object. Casting is similar in some ways to projection, and therefore I believe the two should be studied together.

There are actually three skills involved here. Simple projection, which can be felt by those around you, spirit projection, sometimes called conscious projection or astral projection, in which the consciousness follows the projected energy to a distant spot, and casting, in which the projected energy is released with embedded instructions to perform some effect. Simple projection is easy to learn. The more difficult part of projection comes when asked to project to a distant place, or to cast. We’ll cover the simple part first, and the more complex parts will make more sense and be easier to accomplish.



Thursday, July 9, 2009

Open Meeting Exercise and Time

The exercise is the whispering and shouting exercise for manifesting your presence and influencing a target. Please choose a target and preferably use their image and location. Make sure you know exactly how you wish to influence them, and what words you will use. Consider how they are most likely to be influenced to respond the way you want them to.
If you are working with a group, coordinate with them.

For more information, go here: Whispering and Shouting Exercise



Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Other Fall

The Other Fall of Man

The Fall of Man has been depicted in more than the Christian and Jewish mythologies. The Canaanite version of the fall of man is rather interesting, and parallels the versions found in Australia and the Americas. It does not involve a serpent, a woman, or anything that could be twisted into euphemisms for sex or the devil, but instead involves two brothers.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Female Shamanism

Origins of the Goddess cycle

The word “God” or “Goddess” can be traced back to a word that means “spirit”, as in the spirit that dwells in a burial mound, or “one who is invoked”. The word did not originally refer to a creator. Goddess worship originated in ancestor worship, which is an extension of communion with the dead.

The Goddess cycle is a very old way of responding to natural spirit phenomena. It is a form of female shamanism. Shamanic practices, which are sometimes more broadly labeled as a category of animistic spiritism, are practiced on every continent of the world. .

(More here.)


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Solstice Activity

The Solstice meeting will be closed, and conducted on Haunted Mesa. DO NOT guide guests of any sort to the meeting. (No candidates, recruits, or new initiates that have not become full members. In other words, if they don’t know how to get there, they don’t belong. If they are advanced enough to find the place through spirit travel, they are advanced enough to join us.)



Dacian Draco

The Draco was an emblem and artifact that became popular with the Dacian cavalry. One of the really neat things about it was that it whistled. Yes, whistled. The draco was used as a war standard, and was made of bronze. When wind blew through the mouth, the Draco would emit a whistle that was eerie and frightening to those that heard it. It is considered to be one of the sources for the concept of a dragon. (See more)


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Current view of Red Square

This is a current picture of red square provided by a corresponedent in Washington. The Obelisk is back, and according to the correspondent, it had indeed been taken away. Apparently there was some concern over the size of the point of joining the Obelisk to the base. Go figure.
We will keep the Obelisk as a target for the time being, although I do hope that those of you that are doing the fear meditation know how to clean up after yourselves. We will switch to Castle Rock for the yelling exercise, but it might be nice to do that at the Obelisk sometime as well. Perhaps we could elicit some interesting responses. :)


Monday, June 15, 2009

Siberian Mummy

This mummy had her hands sewn into her sleeves, and appears to have been tied up with a rope. There is, however, no indication of a struggle. The eyes had been covered. You can see that one still is. These precautions indicate a concern that she might rise again from the dead. Note the beadwork. This has lead to speculation that this person must have been important in the tribe.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

RE: Our current target: The Broken Obelisk

In response to Roland; a correction to my reference to a location vanishing  in “all realities”.


Heh. No, the entire location did not vanish. The location has an identifying object in it, the “Broken Obelisk”. And you are correct, “in all realities” was misleading. I meant the stack of realities that identifies something as existing in our particular physical time and place. That is to say, I was in my spirit body, and it had not simply vanished from the spirit plane so that I could not see it. For instance, the first time I visited Castle Rock I was expecting it to be completely bare, and that is what I observed. In following visits I became aware there is a man-made object up there. The spirit plane does not always reflect the physical perfectly, especially if a person projects their own pre-conceived notions.


Actually, the full story behind the obelisk is rather amusing to me in retrospect. I arrived at the U.W. fairly easily because I had googled the location and knew the way to get there. (That isn’t really necessary, but I have a tendency to over-control some situations. I was treating spirit travel as if it was the same as physical travel. It is not.) I spotted the obelisk, as it was my target object, in the middle of the Quad, also known as “Red Square”. However, as I moved around Red Square, the obelisk moved also! As I looked around me, any time I paused to observe something the obelisk sort of slithered into my view. It followed my attention rather than staying put. It took me a minute to realize it was a projection, and it wasn’t anchoring to the real obelisk the way that it should because the real obelisk wasn’t there! At first I thought I might have gone to the wrong place. There are other “Red Squares” at other campuses. Students have a tendency to nickname any large red-bricked area “Red Square”. I had, in fact, visited another at “The Evergreen State College” (also in Washington State), as a potential site quite some time earlier.  However, this was the correct campus, but the identifying object had been moved. The obelisk is very large and heavy, so I cannot imagine taking it away simply in order to clean it or some such thing as that. I’ll be very interested in finding out what did happen to it though.





Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our current target: The Broken Obelisk

I did not hear back from anyone concerning a problem with the target site. I rather expected that I would.

When I went to visit it before posting the picture. I discovered something very peculiar: I could not find the Obelisk!

Now I admit, some things are harder to perceive in spirit than others, but the Obelisk has had so much attention paid to it by students that for it to not be evident is very unusual. Not quite as unusual as one might suppose, however. I am fairly certain that it actually, physically, in all realities, was not there. I decided to post the location anyway, to see what reactions I got, but I didn’t get any. Now you must understand, I am not a student, and do not live near the U.W., so I can not check up on these things readily. However, I believe the Obelisk must have been moved for some reason. Perhaps I happened to explore the site just before some event that required the Quad to be completely clear. Or perhaps it was on loan to some exhibit. It is, after all, an art piece, and I believe, although I could be wrong, one by an artist who has produced other well received pieces.

Be that as it may, the Obelisk seems to have returned, and I would appreciate feedback. I know there are at least a few North Western Vampires. If one of you is either a student of (or lives close to) the U.W., please let me know if the Obelisk went walk-about.


P.s. Please follow the link on the Blog site, and take a look at the Web site. It isn’t much, but I would like feedback.


Saturday, June 6, 2009


A favorite correspondent of mine, FF, has recommended this book: Book of the Witch Moon: Chaos, Vampiric & Luciferian Sorcery .
I am sure there are many interesting aspects to the book, and will need to peruse it more thoroughly. From FF’s report, there are several items I would like to comment on. I should probably not start with a negative comment, but the problem stands out so predominantly that I have to. The problem is in the reference to “Luciferian Sorcery”. This is a bit of an embarrassment to modern Christians. Some never really study their own religion, and continue to parrot incorrect notions that were uncovered as errors as soon as the Bible was written in a common tongue, but occultists should know. There is no Lucifer. There never was a Lucifer. At least, not in the sense of a fallen angel. The reason why people talk about Lucifer and thought he existed is because of a purposeful corruption in the Bible that created a great deal of fuel for hellfire and brimstone writing during the first millenium. The name is real. “Lucifer” means, essentially, “Bright Fiery Light”, and refers to the morning star, Venus, but a “Luciferian” was a follower of a Bishop named Lucifer that wanted to condemn all those that did not adhere to the Nicene creed according to Emperor Constantine’s decree.
The entire situation reveals much about Christianity and affects vapir shamanism indirectly. I have cut my original post, and placed my comments here:


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Centers of consciousness

I have another book to recommend: The Secret of the Golden Flower This book is about a taoist concept, but it illustrates well the rather interesting notion that there is an intersection within us that shapes our perceptions. On one side of this intersection, we percieve things one way. On the other side, we percieve things another way. Although not specifically refering to the guardian at the gateway, this book may give the reader insights that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.

The Taoist methods are useful to study, but I would like to talk about the use of violent emotions. Extremely strong emotions can be harnessed, and when they are, they can be very useful. Think for a moment about various strong or violent emotions you have felt. Rage, fear, lust, love, ecstasy, devotion - all have some common elements. They all produce adrenalin. They all drive a person out of their body. They all alter perception. They all affect dreams. Somewhere, between the above book, our own Initiation into the Vampire Arts, and this secret, the secret of controlled but violent emotion, you will find a key to the identity of the Guardian of the Crossroads.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Suggested locations

I am calling for additional submissions for target locations for meetings. Please submit photos and map coordinates, and a brief description to make it easy to make contact with the site. Please also make it clear when you are suggesting a site whether you can be a volunteer sponsor for the site. (That actually does not amount to much, but it does mean that you must be able to travel to the site yourself in spirit. Sponsors for sites are requested to aid those that have a hard time finding the site by themselves to get there.)
I have published the photo for "Car Henge", which has recieved approval from some of you as being easy to find. I have been pressed to reconsider places such as Stone Henge, the Eifel Tower, the Pyramids, and Machu Pichu. The argument is that pre-initiates find such places to be easier to get to, simply because of the increased anticipation and desire.
I will consider such locations. In the meantime, please follow these guidelines:
1.) I would prefer North American sites.
2.) No political or military sites. That includes the White House Lawn.
3.) Take into account what I have written concerning crossroads and meeting places. Also, consider the advantages of places that are hard to reach physically, like Haunted Mesa. Avoid touristy places.
4.) Finally, if you have not been using a particular spot yourself, at least check it out astrally before submitting it for consideration.
Having said all of that, if you find a spot that you are sure would make a good meeting spot for those still developing their skills, please submit it even if it breaks one of the above rules. If you are sure of it, we should consider it.
Continue to contact me through email.



A member in Nebraska recommends this site as being perfect for open meetings. Please attempt visiting the site, and provide feedback. It has the interesting advantage of being a good test site, as anyone visiting it will have a definite assurance that they got to the right place. Click on the picture to enlarge.


Monday, May 25, 2009

A recomendation for a good book from Random House

I would like to draw your attention to this book from Random House. The book is titled ”The Woman in the Shaman's Body” Here is a link to an excerpt:

This is a very nicely written book by a very knowledgeable person, and one who has had some extremely useful experiences. For those who have not yet conquered death, but are still attempting to gain insight into the vampire’s world, a look at this beautiful book on shamanism will surely clarify and inspire.



A link to an interesting blog


Evolution of book

I have made some small changes to "Initiation into the Vampire Arts"
Note a slight change in title.
This version has been submitted to LLewllyn, but Llewellyn has declined publication, which may be just as well. I have more control over content this way.

While I am making changes, the book will be able to be found on Lulu. Here's a button:
Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.
Hmm, Some button.
So far, the changes are minor, and include loosening up some restrictions. I will be adding to this version, and remind you when I make changes, but for those that already own a copy, this version does not have enough significant change to warrant purchasing.
For new members, on the other hand, this version may be preferable.

I intend to include some of the discussions from this blog. In particular I intend to include those areas that need further explanation or background, clarification of techniques,
and tips that may prove useful. In other words, this blog will see most of the changes, more or less, before I add them to the version on Lulu. When I like the version on Lulu it will be re-published properly and be available on Amazon.



Switching to Blog for covenant communications

As proposed, I will be switching to the blog for all covenant communications. For those that have lost the old email with the address it is:

You may continue to write to me at the email address, but I will be taking excerpts from your emails for the blog.

We are seeing some similarities in certain questions and observations, so I will be publishing the responses on the blog.

Also, I agree with the proposal to make some exercises and meetings open to unaffiliated practitioners. We shall need to decide upon an open meeting location. You are welcome to invite those who have advanced far enough that they are able to join us, to do so at the open meeting location. Please provide proposed locations. I will post them here.

Our regular meetings will continue to be held on Haunted Mesa.




Saturday, May 23, 2009

Christianity and Vampirism:

The Vampires for Jesus and the Underground Gnostics

I'm not quite sure what to do about the VFJ. The Vampires for Jesus seem to offend nearly everybody1. They offend Christians because of their claims. They offend many Vampires because of their name. They offend historians, anthropologists and even archeologists. Atheists like some of their claims concerning history, but reject them due to their claims concerning group minds, territorial Gods, and communion with ancestors. The few Muslims that I know that have been introduced to them seemed pleased with their declaration that the historical Jesus was a man, but found many other historical claims to be offensive to their religion, by implying that the Prophet made some serious mistakes.

Follow this link to read more: Intro to the VFJ


In fact, I purposefully left them out of the book "Initiation into the Vampiric Arts".


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