Centers of consciousness
I have another book to recommend: The Secret of the Golden Flower This book is about a taoist concept, but it illustrates well the rather interesting notion that there is an intersection within us that shapes our perceptions. On one side of this intersection, we percieve things one way. On the other side, we percieve things another way. Although not specifically refering to the guardian at the gateway, this book may give the reader insights that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.
The Taoist methods are useful to study, but I would like to talk about the use of violent emotions. Extremely strong emotions can be harnessed, and when they are, they can be very useful. Think for a moment about various strong or violent emotions you have felt. Rage, fear, lust, love, ecstasy, devotion - all have some common elements. They all produce adrenalin. They all drive a person out of their body. They all alter perception. They all affect dreams. Somewhere, between the above book, our own Initiation into the Vampire Arts, and this secret, the secret of controlled but violent emotion, you will find a key to the identity of the Guardian of the Crossroads.