Saturday, May 23, 2009

Christianity and Vampirism:

The Vampires for Jesus and the Underground Gnostics

I'm not quite sure what to do about the VFJ. The Vampires for Jesus seem to offend nearly everybody1. They offend Christians because of their claims. They offend many Vampires because of their name. They offend historians, anthropologists and even archeologists. Atheists like some of their claims concerning history, but reject them due to their claims concerning group minds, territorial Gods, and communion with ancestors. The few Muslims that I know that have been introduced to them seemed pleased with their declaration that the historical Jesus was a man, but found many other historical claims to be offensive to their religion, by implying that the Prophet made some serious mistakes.

Follow this link to read more: Intro to the VFJ


In fact, I purposefully left them out of the book "Initiation into the Vampiric Arts".


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